Chemistry and Chemical Process Patents

Chemistry and Chemical Processes Patents

Mark Trenner, a Denver patent attorney, has experience with chemistry and chemical process patents related to material sciences, chemical formulations, deposition and manufacturing techniques, and analytic equipment.

The following is a small sampling of patent applications and issued patents that Mark Trenner has worked on in chemistry and chemical processes patents:

• U.S. Patent No. 7,629,236 for “Method for passivating crystal silicon surfaces”

• U.S. Patent No. 7,601,215 for “Method for rapid, controllable growth and thickness, of epitaxial silicon films”

. . . plus many others (see some more under Energy & Environment)

Mark Trenner also did research on water chemistry and treatment systems and wrote his thesis for his MS Environmental Engineering degree, titled “Radon Removal From Small Community Drinking Water Systems Using Granular Activated Carbon,” 1996.

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