Energy and Environmental Patents

Energy and Environmental Patents

Colorado Patent Attorney Mark Trenner has experience with systems, processes, and software tools in the areas of renewable energy, energy efficiency, and clean-technologies including CdTe and CIGS photovoltaics, organic PV, concentrator PV, and solar cells, alternative fuels, fuel cells, wind turbines, “smart” buildings, “smart” grids, energy conversion and storage technologies.

The following is a small sampling of patent applications and issued energy and environmental patents that Denver patent attorney Mark Trenner has worked on:

• U.S. Patent No. 7,754,352 for “Amorphous semiconducting and conducting transparent metal oxide thin films and production thereof”

• U.S. Patent No. 7,517,784 for “Method for producing high carrier concentration p-Type transparent conducting oxides”

. . . plus many others

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