Patent Lawyer Denver

Looking for a patent lawyer? Denver patent lawyer Mark Trenner has over 10 years of experience in Denver, Colorado & across the country.


Technical Patent Experience

Mark Trenner has worked on hundreds of patent applications during his career, including writing patent applications and prosecuting patent applications to issuance. Mark has experience in a wide variety of technology areas.

Click on any of these links to learn more about a particular area.

Electronics, Networks, and Telecommunications

Mark Trenner has a BS Electrical Engineering and has worked extensively in this technology area.

Computer and Mobile Device Hardware and Software Patents

Mark Trenner has a BS Electrical Engineering and has worked extensively in this technology area.

Patents for Mechanical Devices

Mark Trenner has a MS Civil Engineering and has worked extensively in this technology area.

Energy & Environmental Patents

Mark Trenner has a BS Environmental Engineering and his graduate work emphasized environmental engineering. Mark Trenner was also senior in-house patent counsel for the US Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory for 4 years.

Chemistry and Chemical Processes Patents

Mark Trenner has a BS Environmental Engineering and both his undergraduate and graduate work emphasized chemistry, including coursework in organic and physical chemistry. Mark Trenner was also senior in-house patent counsel for the US Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory for 4 years.

Bio-technology and Medical Patents

Mark Trenner has a BS Environmental Engineering and both his undergraduate and graduate work included biology and biological systems. Mark Trenner was also senior in-house patent counsel for the US Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory for 4 years, and has done work for St. Jude Medical.

Patent Attorneys Denver

Searching for “Patent Attorneys Denver”?

Denver businesses and individuals don’t want to allocate their budget to attorneys’ fees. However, involving an attorney early on can help you identify business issues and secure rights in your intellectual property. If properly protected, intellectual property can be a significant asset for your business.

Patent Attorney Mark Trenner can help protect your business and inventions.

An attorney will evaluate and guide you in properly establishing and protecting your business and business assets. Trenner Law Firm is experienced with identifying potentially patentable inventions, subject matter which may be protected by copyright, and that which should be maintained as a trade secret. Trenner Law Firm can also help select a strong trademark and secure trademark rights to protect your brand.

Learn more about your best choice for patent attorneys in Denver on our Why Trenner Law Page.