Colorado Patent Lawyer

Inventors: Do You Know What A Prior Art Search Is? Inventors may want to consider a prior art search to find out what is out there that might be the same or similar to their invention. The prior art search can give inventors a better idea of the state of the art related to their… Continue reading Colorado Patent Lawyer

Patent FAQ’s

How do I know if I should apply for a patent for my invention? Since you can’t apply for a patent for something that already exists, it’s important to start with a prior art search. In order to analyze those search results, its best to consult a patent attorney. A patent attorney can explain how… Continue reading Patent FAQ’s

Categorized as Patents

Inventors & Patent Laws

Inventors & Patent Laws Inventorship is a legal determination based on the patent laws (discussed below) and a technical analysis of the claims in a patent application. The threshold question in determining inventorship is who conceived of the invention. Unless a person contributes to the conception of the invention, he or she is not an… Continue reading Inventors & Patent Laws

Categorized as Inventors
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