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Online Patent Law Firm

Colorado Law Firm – Helping Inventors Nationwide

Trenner Law Firm offers an online patent law firm option. The process is simple, and you get the same great service we provide to all of our clients. Click here to apply for our online patent law firm.

Let’s look at how you might benefit from our online patent law firm.

What are your options for working with a Colorado Patent Attorney?

Work with an “old fashioned” brick-and-mortar law firm.

In the days before the Internet became a household utility, you had to go to the attorney’s office whenever you needed legal help. Most attorneys are slow to change, and so most law firms still exist in their brick-and-mortar format. So if you still want to go visit an attorney at their office, there are plenty of options.

Keep in mind, however, that working with the “old fashioned” brick-and-mortar law firm likely means that you have to go there every time they need to meet with you. And again when they need to go over something with you. And again when they need you to sign papers.

Work with a Discount Legal Services Provider.

Discount legal service providers are becoming more commonplace. You’ve probably seen the late-night commercials for discount legal service providers. Or the so-called “Invention Promotion” companies. It’s important to keep in mind that only a registered patent agent or patent attorney can file a patent application on your behalf. Many discount legal service providers and Invention Promotion companies farm out their legal work. Often to low-cost patent agents and low-cost patent attorneys. Sometimes you don’t even know who you are working with.

Enough said. Just beware. The US Patent Office warns inventors about scams on their website.

Work directly with a patent attorney through an online patent law firm.

A few law firms have advanced into the 21st Century, and now offer an online patent law firm option. Trenner Law Firm is a pioneer in the online patent law firm. We started an online patent law firm option in 2004 when we first opened our doors. We’ve evolved our systems and processes. Today we use leading edge and trusted technologies to provide a world-class online law firm experience.

In addition to 24 hour – 7 days a week access to our online law firm, clients also get free phone and email support for any project we are handling.

And if a meeting is required, Mark Trenner is available on a limited basis to meet in person with clients in Denver West (Golden – Lakewood) in Colorado. Conference rooms are provided through Office Evolution on an as-needed basis. Trenner Law Firm does not maintain a physical office here — no drop-ins, please.

Why work with an online Patent Attorney?

Don’t you hate having to schedule an appointment? It seems like you schedule the appointment and put it on your calendar. Then a few days or a week or two later it pops up. Forgot about that one, didn’t you. Didn’t really need another appointment this week. So you either call and reschedule the appointment, or you bite the bullet and make the appointment. And why are attorney offices always downtown in the big city? Now you have to drive downtown. Never mind that you have to leave an hour before your appointment in case there is traffic. And still leave enough time to find parking. Oops, forgot that you have to pay for parking downtown.

What a hassle!

Wouldn’t it be better if you could handle everything from the comfort of your own home or your office? On your schedule – day or night. Whatever works best for you.

You can, if you work with an online patent attorney.

Fortunately, Trenner Law Firm offers an online law firm option. We know what it’s like to have a hectic schedule. You certainly don’t need any more appointments on your calendar. And Trenner Law Firm has been delivering quality legal services to our clients now for over 10 years. The process is simple. And you will get the same great customer service that we provide to all of our clients.

What you can expect from an online Patent Law Firm.

Perhaps you have never worked with an attorney before. Even if you have, working with an attorney through an online patent law firm is different. Since you have probably never used an online patent law firm before, here is a brief overview of what you should expect:

·       The same level of professionalism and legal advice you would expect from a traditional attorney office (the “old fashioned” brick-and-mortar law firm).

·       Solid legal advice and quality representation during the entire patent process – from patent search to filing a patent application to patent issuance.

·       Timely updates on the progress of your patent application and any correspondence from the US Patent Office.

·       Access to your patent attorney – whether by phone, video conference, or email.

Benefits of the online Patent Law Firm Option

·       The same level of professionalism, legal advice, and customer service you would expect from a traditional attorney office (the “old fashioned” brick-and-mortar law firm).

·       Learn about your options when it comes to protecting your invention – on your schedule – from the comfort of your home or office.

·       Start a project with your attorney, review and sign paperwork, and get electronic copies of your file – at any time – all without having to schedule an appointment.

Scheduling appointments and attending meetings is time consuming. Fortunately, you have the option to work with a patent attorney  on your own terms – with our online patent law firm.

If you would like to learn more about working with a patent attorney through our online patent law firm option, give us a call at (720) 221-3708. Or start today by visiting our online patent law firm.

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