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Patent Asset and Insurance Q & A – Part 1 of 4

Denver Patent Attorney Mark Trenner answers questions about “Patent Protection as Investment and Insurance.”

Watch Entire Interview at Once Here: Patents as Investment and Insurance Video

Introduction: We are here in Colorado to interview Denver-area patent attorney Mark Trenner. Mark has been practicing as a
Denver Patent Attorney
patent attorney for almost 14 years; the past 9 years at Trenner Law Firm. While his practice focuses primarily on helping small businesses protect their inventions with patents, Trenner Law Firm assists clients build out all aspects of their intellectual property portfolio, including copyrights, trademarks, and trade secrets.

Interviewer: Corporate Counsel published an article this month titled “Patent Protection as Investment and Insurance.” What do patents have to do with investments and insurance?

Patent Attorney: There doesn’t seem to be any relation at first glance, but the article is on-point. As the author explains, intellectual property (that is, patents, trademarks, copyrights, and even trade secrets) are a key asset for several reasons.

Interviewer: What are some of the reasons businesses may want to consider patents to be an asset?

Patent Attorney: Patents, and even patent applications, can be licensed, sold, or even used for collateral. I often compare the asset value of patents to a building. The owner of the building can lease space within the building for rent money, just like the owner of a patent can license the right to make, use, or sell an invention for royalties. The owner of the building can also sell the building outright, in exchange for a sum of money, similar to a patent owner selling the patent to another business who wants the exclusive right to make, use or sell the invention. And of course, the building owner borrow against the building, putting the building up for collateral to secure the loan. Likewise, a patent owner may be able to secure a loan or other funding by using a patent or patent application as collateral.

For Part 2, please follow this link: Patent Asset and Insurance Q & A – Part 2 of 4

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